• The agent starts in the top left corner.
  • Each step gets an negative reward of -1
  • If the agent steps on one of the magenta cliff tiles on the top, there is a negative reward of -100 for falling off the cliff and the agent has to start again from the top left corner.
  • The goal is to reach the top right corner. When reaching the top right corner, everything starts all over again.

A world of pain and suffering!!

Sometimes it strikes me how dark, twisted and cynical this is, even though it’s just a toy example. Basically it states

  • -1 for every step you make means nothing less than living is suffering
  • Even if you reach your goal you don’t get any reward, just you’re suffering ends till it starts all over again. You can’t escape.
  • Jumping off the cliff won’t help you. You just have to start over again. There’s no escape.

There’s also a much more positive life lesson one could learn from -greedy exploration policies. I’ll definitely have to write about it soon, to balance out this post.